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A Little Dirt Never Hurt


This article first appeared in the March/April 2025 edition of Home & Harvest magazine.

By Kaitlynn Anderson, Museum Curator

Dora and Henry Hull’s back porch garden in Kendrick in 1896. LCHS Photo: 10-05-010.
Dora and Henry Hull’s back porch garden in Kendrick in 1896. LCHS Photo: 10-05-010.

When thinking of gardening, many consider it to be a fun hobby in their spare time. However, it has been a necessity over time to provide food for families, especially during periods of food deficits or when food was in high demand during conflicts. Examples of this include the Civil War, War World I, and World War II (See the March/April 2022 Home & Harvest to learn more about victory gardens and rationing). Over time, gardening served as an outlet for women to participate in social and civic clubs during the Progressive Era (See the March/April 2023 Home & Harvest to learn more about women’s groups in Latah County). Women’s garden clubs became closely related to historical preservation by focusing on the restoration of landmarks and landscapes. Today, we can see evidence of their hard work to preserve those areas. For the sake of this article, the term ‘gardening’ refers to both gardening for food and gardening for aesthetics and ornamentation.

Elva Belle Gray enjoying a garden. LCHS Photo: Gray.El.01.
Elva Belle Gray enjoying a garden. LCHS Photo: Gray.El.01.

The history of gardening falls under the “cult of domesticity,” in which it was a woman’s role to manage the household. This included everything from cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the children, being pure and submissive to their husbands, comforting and not strong-willed. Gardening and tending to plants fell to women as it happened in the home and was considered “her hobby.” It follows then that men participated in the agriculture and commercial side of farming and gardening, which brought money to the household and fell within the capitalist system. Again, these roles reaffirm the concept that women were meant to stay at home and not work, while the men were to get their hands dirty and make a living for their families.

The Moscow Garden Club planting flowers at Sunset Memorial Cemetery, circa 1960s. LCHS Photo: 01-07-038.
The Moscow Garden Club planting flowers at Sunset Memorial Cemetery, circa 1960s. LCHS Photo: 01-07-038.

The stereotype of women managing gardens and plants can even be seen in our collection at the Latah County Historical Society. Many garden-related photographs within our collection often showcase women and young girls in gardens. There are only a select few images that have men in them actively gardening. The perpetuation of this stereotype is not accurate to the reality of who participates in gardening. In the past, women primarily participated in gardening, whereas today, gardening is enjoyed by both men and women of all ages.

As technology and society developed, suburbanization spiked in America at various times, including the early 19th Century, and the time surrounding World War II. Suburbanization allowed homeowners to take pride in their space, including their landscape. Plants at the front of the home made it appear more welcoming, while also adding street appeal. Eventually, suburbanization caused a shift from gardens in the front of the house to the backyard. The backyard is usually viewed as a private space for the owner, where an individual must be invited into that space. We see most gardens in backyards today, where privacy is valued, and it is a relaxing, safe-haven environment. Even some apartment dwellers can take part in gardening by hanging pots on patios, where backyards are not available. This is most popularized by retailers offering hanging tomato cages during the summer months.

Backyard garden at the Bennett home located on Palouse River Drive in 1977. LCHS Photo: 01-05-356.
Backyard garden at the Bennett home located on Palouse River Drive in 1977. LCHS Photo: 01-05-356.

One of the many ways to spend free time in the mid-century was to join a club. Aside from civic clubs, hobby clubs provided an outlet for people with similar interests to gather and enjoy each other’s company. One of the first organized garden clubs in Latah County was the Moscow Garden Club. Founded in 1949 by a group of twenty-one women, their main goal was to provide improvements to the flower show during the Latah County Fair. During the club’s history, they completed several projects around Moscow, including planting flowers at Sunset Memorial Cemetery and planting rosebushes in front of Moscow City Hall. The club is now in its 76th year of service in 2025 and has expanded its goals to provide education on beautification, horticulture, flower design, and wilderness survival. Club members are still actively involved in the horticulture show at the Latah County Fair every fall.

Another of the garden clubs in Latah County was the Town and Country Garden Club. The club was founded in 1959 by a group of women from Troy, Deary, and Bovill. Over the twenty years that the club existed, they supported several programs to educate the community on types of flowers and gardening tips. They also collaborated with other organizations throughout the county to host garden shows. At the height of the club, there were twenty-four members; however, at the last club meeting, only five members were present. The remaining money in their bank account was divided between the Zion Lutheran Church and Deary Community Church when they dissolved in 1979.

Partial by-laws created for The Town and Country Garden Club in 1959. LCHS Object: SC 2014-25.05.01.
Partial by-laws created for The Town and Country Garden Club in 1959. LCHS Object: SC 2014-25.05.01.

The next iteration of gardens is houseplants. In a way, gardens have moved from the backyard to inside the home. Reasons for this range from the plants needing a specific environment, or the threat of animal damage, to the amount of care needed to help them thrive. Individuals can purchase plants that suit their lifestyles, whether they want plants that are low maintenance, such as succulents, plants that are meant to bring good luck, such as money trees, or even fake plants that primarily serve an aesthetic purpose. These plants are a great option for individuals who possibly don’t have the space to cultivate a full garden outside or only want the responsibility of keeping one or two plants alive.

Aside from the fresh produce and beautiful flowers that gardening provides, it also serves as a positive outlet for both physical and mental health. Physically, tending plants takes exercise. Preparing pots and flowerbeds to adequately germinate a plant requires tilling the soil, weeding, and bending. That is hard work and any gardener will tell you that it’s not easy on the body. Additionally, fresh food can assist with a healthier diet. Vegetables and fruit cultivated at home also come with a sense of pride in providing for yourself. During war years, gardens were considered downright patriotic and doing your duty for the war effort. In terms of mental health, individuals typically experience reduced stress levels through their time outdoors and grow a social community with other gardeners.

Homer David showing off his tomato plants. LCHS Photo: David.H.08.
Homer David showing off his tomato plants. LCHS Photo: David.H.08.

Before the popularization of grocery stores and restaurants, residents needed to garden to survive. Due to the fertile soil and moderate rainfall, flowers and produce have thrived in Latah County. If you live in Latah County you will notice that some of the prominent items that thrive here include popular bulbs like tulips and daffodils, and vegetables like zucchini, peas, and rhubarb. The Palouse is also one of the nation’s leaders in producing wheat, peas, beans, and lentils. Both commercial agriculture and individual gardens thrive in Palouse soil, making it a popular location for settlement in the late 19th Century.  

The craft of gardening is still ever present in Latah County today. Whether you would like to grow a home garden in your backyard or participate in a group effort, many opportunities are available. The Moscow Public Library offers the Palouse Exchange-A-Seed program to add new seed varieties to your garden or to drop off any excess seeds you may have. The University of Idaho Extension offers the Master Gardener Club to answer gardening questions, while also creating the space for hands-on experience and to serve the community. For individuals who do not have outdoor space to grow the garden of their dreams, the City of Moscow offers the Hamilton Community Garden. Additional opportunities include Rural Roots, Backyard Harvest through Inland Oasis, Idaho Native Plant Society, and the Moscow Garden Club. For more information on the history of gardening within Latah County, visit the Great Room at the 1912 Center to view the accompanying exhibit in the staircase display cases. 

The Moscow Garden Club in the 1970s during a meeting. LCHS Photo: 01-11-045.
The Moscow Garden Club in the 1970s during a meeting. LCHS Photo: 01-11-045.


SC 2012-08 : “Born with a hoe in my hand:” A history of Latah County gardening by Carol Price Spurling. Latah County Historical Society.



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