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CCC of Moscow


Updated: Apr 10, 2020

The Civilian Conservation Corp was created for the preservation of natural resources during the Great Depression of the 1930s by President Franklin D. Roosevelt as one way to put people to work. Their main function on the Palouse was to fight against erosion, mainly through planting trees, as well as working to change or improve water channels. The Moscow CCC was involved in the construction of Robinson Lake Park and tree planting, some of which still exists along Highway 95, between Moscow and Lewiston, among other things.

The Moscow CCC site was located at the corner of Palouse River Drive and Highway 95. The Chinese Village and the Plantation are former CCC buildings. An apartment building on the corner of D Street and Jefferson is a relocated CCC building.

Additional sites were located where the Moscow-Pullman Airport now sits, at the Big Meadow Campgrounds outside of Genesee, and at Elk Basin near Bovill.

Information courtesy of Latah County Historical Society archives, and “CCC: It started here 50 years ago”, Moscow Magazine, Fall 1983, pg 21.



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