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Katherine Campbell, MHS Class of 1928


Updated: Apr 9, 2020

Katherine Campbell was a member of the Moscow High School graduating class of 1928. She grew up on a ranch near Genesee with her parents, George and Minnie Campbell, and her brother, Ray.

The Latah County Historical Society has received a few delightful items commemorating Kay’s time at Moscow High School. Among the items are a a quilt top with “MHS–1928” on the center square, probably sewn by Kay’s mother. The quilt has initials that are most likely from high school friends. We have also received an initialed handkerchief, a tassel that might be from Kay’s graduation cap, as well as the above photos.

Kay worked for her room and board during high school, this prevented her from taking part in any after school activities. However, Kay was an “A” student, and she mentioned being offered a scholarship to Stanford (but her parents wouldn’t allow her to to travel so far away from home). After graduation, Kay moved to Spokane and married Roy Wagner.

Kay passed away in December 2012, leaving these items to a family friend, Joyce Matthys. As Kay had no descendants, Joyce sent the items to Moscow High School, and they donated the items to LCHS.

We are most pleased to be able to add these items to our collection. MHS has Kay’s yearbook in their collection.



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