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The Wocsomonian


Updated: Apr 9, 2020

Excerpts from the 1926 Senior Edition of “The Wocsomonian”:

Senior Prophecy
“Scene: Business office in Spokane. Business Man (Calls his secretary in). Take this letter for me, please, Miss Anderson.
‘Mr. Ph. Soulen, superintendent of the combined schools of Viola, Troy, Cornwall, Genesee and Kendrick. Headquarters at Joel, Idaho. Dear Philanderer: We regret to inform you that the subscription to the Spokesman Review which the senior class presented you at their graduation, expired twenty years ago. Please inform us at once whether you care to renew your subscription and if so, we will furnish you with backnumbers for the past decade. Yours truly.’
‘Mr. Arnold Lyon. Twin Falls, Idaho. Dear Sir: I wish to congratulate you on the recent arrival of the twelfth pair of twins. Evidently you have not needed Mr. Burkett’s advice about the average American family being small. We wish you and your wife, Margaret, success in future enterprises. The incubator which you ordered is being shipped by fast air freight. Respectfully yours;”
To Miss Mary McKenna, Potlatch, Idaho. “Dear Miss McKenna: Upon hearing about your recent engagement we can now understand the wisdom of your motto, ‘If at first he doesn’t propose, try, try again.’ We realize how glad you must be to get out of your work as cheese ‘censor, (scentsor) for the Hall-Walker company. Hopefully yours,’ ‘That will be all right now, Miss Anderson […]”.

Article continues on, the business man receives a visitor, a former classmate come to talk about the old days.

Reminisces include:

“Cliff: ‘Speaking of overalls—I notice in the Bingeville Tribune that Art Kralowec, together with his son, Josephus have recently devised an automatic hair-comber and curler for bald-headed men. So far the whatnot has proven to give satisfactorily satisfactory satisfaction. (Miss Anderson brings in Wocsomonian).
Mr. O: Well, here is the old Wocsomonian. Little Alfred Diethelm, Jr., sends me the old paper ever year. You remember Alfred, he chose Helen for his wife and now little Alfred Jr., remembers me. Mr. Diethelm is manager of the Non-Squeak Wooden Legs for left-handed people. His business is stepping right along. Well, let’s see what is in the paper. Here’s the alumni faculty column: Mrs. R. U. A. Bensen (Anna Luvaas) ’26, is giving a course in aesthetic dancing at the Agriculture College of Tia Juana. Mr. Alphonse Moser, ’26, has recently accepted a 25-week contract with Goldwyn Picture Co. His first picture is the “Walking Velocepede” in three parts. […]’”.
From “Around School”“Herman Ottness had so many excuse blanks last week that he had to hire an expert to determine which was which”.
From “Jokes”“’Tillmer says he’s going to marry the prettiest girl in town,’ remarked Galatha Carter. ‘The idea!’ exclainmed Thelma Woodward, ‘I don’t even know him.’”

The Wocsomonian also features a society column, advertisements, sports, articles, senior class will, and other items.

To see more issues of the Wocsomonian, please come visit us in the Annex at 327 East Second Street.



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