There will be a flurry of activity across the county this weekend as three communities celebrate their heritage and welcome residents and visitors to learn about the past.
Troy Old Timers’ Day
You may have seen the wonderful article in today’s Lewiston Tribune about Dorothy Anderson, a long time LCHS member and a true booster of the Troy community. She has been in to the visit us multiple times over the last couple of weeks to gather photos for an exhibit on the downtown blocks of Troy. That exhibit is a featured attraction of this year’s Old Timers’ Day, which begins bright and early Saturday morning with a 6am breakfast, followed by a parade and numerous family activities.

Potlatch Days
Just this morning Dan and Dulce took the traveling WI&M exhibit out to the Potlatch WI&M Depot, and the folks there are gearing up for two days of excitement. Along with a parade, lawn mower races, and logging events, there will be a chance for members of the public to take a ride in speeder cars. Be sure to show up early though, because tickets for those rides go fast!

White Spring Ranch Museum Ice Cream Social
White Spring Ranch is located in Genesee, and consists of a historic log cabin, farmhouse, and a curio museum cabin. The dedicated team at White Spring Ranch Museum have invested countless hours and resources to gaining National Register and Century Farm designation for their sites. The public is invited to enjoy the beauty of the ranch, along with ice cream, games, and music on Saturday from 1 to 4pm.
Below is a list of links where you can find additional information about all of these wonderful events.
Finally, we invite everyone to stop by our office (the Annex) next Wednesday, July 17th, from 1 to 4pm to meet our new curator, Dulce Kersting. Dulce is looking forward to meeting LCHS members and people from the community, so please drop by for light refreshments and to greet the newest addition to our team.
