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Unidentified and Unknown: Mysteries in the LCHS Photo Collection

By Elaina Pierson, LCHS Office Coordinator Among the tens of thousands of photos in the Latah County Historical Society's collection are a large number with no identifying information. Some of our dedicated volunteers have been working to digitize these images and we are pleased to be able to begin sharing them with the public.

Some of the locations in these photos are readily identifiable, like this group outside the 1912 Center in Moscow:

An unknown group outside the 1912 Center. LCHS Photo: Unidentified.103

Others include the photographer's information, indicating that the photo was taken far from Latah County, but who are the individuals shown in them? Did they come to the area themselves, or were the photos carried here by descendants making the move to the Palouse?

LCHS Photo: Unidentified.137

It is likely that some of these photos have no connection to Latah County or its history at all. In that case, though it is a long shot, we would still love to identify their provenance and potentially pass them on to another entity or organization more appropriate.

Likely not in Latah County, but where is it? LCHS Photo: Unidentified.009

We invite you to peruse the Unidentified and Unknown collection, and if you can shed light on any of them, please leave a comment at the bottom of the page or send us an email at (be sure to include the filename as listed underneath each photo). These images are still in the process of being digitized, so check back for new additions as they come available. And if you would prefer to look through the collection in person, feel free to contact us to set up an appointment. Our thanks in advance to all of our eagle-eyed followers!

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