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USO Canteen to Benefit Inland Northwest Honor Flight


Updated: Apr 10, 2020

On Sunday, May 5th, the Hog Heaven Big Band teamed up with Dudley Loomis Post #6 of the American Legion to put on a USO canteen themed dance to raise money for Inland Northwest Honor Flight.  Honor Flight recognizes veterans of WWII, taking them to Washington DC to view the new WWII memorial and tour the capital.  Wayne McProud of the Hog Heaven Big Band approached LCHS to see if we could share some WWII materials for the event.  As it happens, LCHS has a remarkable collection of WWII home front posters, and we took about fifty of them to the fairgrounds pavilion for the evening.  With the help of volunteers Rod Hedrick and Helen Almojera, we put on quite a show with the posters.  We’re still hearing nice comments about our role in an important event for a worthy cause.



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