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Wahoo! Take a Ride with LCHS!


Updated: Apr 7, 2020

Hitch a ride with the LCHS Canyons and Bunchgrass Tour, as we take a look at historic South Latah County. We’ll visit old favorites, like Genesee, Kendrick, Juliaetta and Troy; and we’ll introduce you to even older ones, like Cordelia, Lone Star, Lenville, and Aspendale. We’ll follow the old Nez Perce Trail and stop at the White Springs Ranch Museum. Departure from the Good Sam’s parking lot (N. Eisenhower St.) will be at 8:00 a.m., and we’ll arrive back in Moscow around 5:00 p.m. The cost is $50 per seat. Transportation, lunch, and our knowledgeable guides are included in the fee.

To RSVP call (208) 882-1004 or email

And if you’re in need of further convincing, check out these photos from last year’s expedition. We’re not giving away locations in the photos… you’ll have to find out for yourself.



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